Career Ladder Identifier Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) tool

Career Ladder Identifier Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) tool

por Melyssa Harrison -
Número de respuestas: 0

The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has developed a Career Ladder Identifier Financial Forecaster (CLIFF) tool that gives more information about which in-demand careers are likely to help someone overcome a loss of public assistance and leave them in a better position financially. The dashboard also shows how long it will take to achieve self-sufficiency on a chosen career path.

The left-side navigation pane can be used to select a family type most similar to the participant’s own and to identify careers of interest in various in-demand industries. The tabs at the top of the tool show how much a typical worker in the chosen career can expect to earn locally, pay in taxes, and how much the worker’s family can expect to receive in public assistance over time.

You can customize the results further by selecting different public assistance packages using the dropdown menus in the left-side navigation pane.

To access the CLIFF tool visit: